Never Compromise on Compassion

Do not neglect to extend hospitality to strangers [especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2 Amplified Bible

I do not usually come out the gate with a scripture, people who know me know I am not they type to cram the bible down anyone's throat that's just not me I am not that girl. I am a millennial believer trying to navigate through the old school church, and new school. 

  But today Hebrews 13:2 was on my heart.... So lets talk about it. 

In todays day and age it is so easy to be offended, and to take offense. With social media and all of Al Gore's internet at our finger tips it is so easy to create a bias, finish a conversation in our heads that was never had, and perceive a tone with out even hearing the sound of someone's voice. 

So easily we judge a person with out really understanding the facts, or taking the time to get to know them as a person. * I know gasp believers judging others … never that*. If you are believer that does everything right, has no bias, and never judges anyone forget it this post is not for you... sorry for wasting your time please read some of my other blog post *shameless plug*

We are living in a guarded society believers or not, where everyone smiles behind their fence. Everyone is so concerned with their 4 and no more that genuine positive connections that can be made are missed opportunities to show kindness and compassion. These missed opportunities could have been major wins for the Kingdom of God. 

At the start of the verse it says Do not neglect to extend hospitality to strangers. Not everyone is going to look, like you, dress like you, talk like you, have the same family structure as your own and you are going to have to extend hospitality to them. You are going to have to be understanding, and have compassion for  them. There are so many people hurting, needing help, looking for a safe place, with no judgment. So many time we want to read, and quote what the bible says almost using scripture as a weapon to combat the "evil" sinners of this world; without taking the time understand that person may not be an evil sinner maybe they are a soul seeking solace.

That teenager wearing all black cutting themselves maybe depressed crying out for help, that single mother with 2 kids may not be a Hoe with 2 bastards out of wedlock but a mother who is a domestic violence survivor looking for a ministry that will help her raise her children in the Lord. Maybe that man who is struggling with same sex attraction went through a traumatic experience as child and needs help processing. Maybe that addict you  see use to be a nationally recognized athlete who got hurt was given pain medication buy their doctor and became addicted. Maybe that homeless bum you see was an  entrepreneur who lost everything during hard times and has not be able to get back on their feet.

Inside the brackets of the verse it reads especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously. IT STARTS AT HOME, IT STARTS AT WORK, IT STARTS AT YOUR OWN CHURCH. Yes I was the words of the great Atlanta native  Shereé Whitfield WHO GONA CHECK ME BOO !?! lol ( let me stop playing). But seriously hospitality, being friendly, cordial, graciousness, sharing starts at home and you must make an effort to do so.  

So often we go with the out of sight out of mind, or we walk with the its not my problem attitude we overlook moments of ministry that could change the trajectory of someone's walk with Christ. I understand the word says in Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth. But as believers we must not just be complacently peaceful, but we must walk with a heart of compassion, open to understanding to all.  Having compassion for someone during a difficult season is important leading with understanding and seeking Godly wisdom for resolution; not just casting the person aside as having a sin issue. We were all made in the image of God lets act like it, and intentionally treat each other like it. Lets love with out barriers, and really do this thing called life the right way. Because who knows you might be entertaining an Angel. 

As Always Thank you for reading 

- Tameka  


  1. Absolutely my heart💕 Thanks for sharing!❤️


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